Leadership Paradoxes: A Resource for Leading Online and Off 

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Leadership has always been developed through conflict. If there isn’t a conflict or an obstacle, there’s no need for a leader. What’s different now is the 24/7/365 public nature of leadership that is driven by the digital nature of our lives. Since my work is helping brands and their leaders in the IT space share their message digitally, I am always looking for ways to enhance my leadership so I can enhance theirs.

I learned about Tim Elmore’s book, The Eight Paradoxes of Great Leadership, on a podcast and believe its tagline, “Embracing the Conflicting Demands of Today’s Workplace,” is a good stance for anyone looking to lead on social media. The workplace of many is in fact ONLINE and the message is pertinent to anyone who wants to lead well in that environment.

So, think about this: Great Leaders (online and off) need to be able to respond in seemingly opposite manners depending on the situation! Here are the paradoxes covered: 

🗝Confidence and Humility
🗝Visibility and Invisibility 
🗝Leverage Both Their Vision and Their Blind Spots
🗝Stubborn and Open-Minded
🗝Learner and Teacher
🗝Deeply Personal and Inherently Collective
🗝High Standards and Gracious Forgiveness
🗝Timely and Timeless

You can find the book on Amazon or TimElmore.com. Check it out if you are looking for ways to strengthen your ability to lead well online and off.


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