Top 5 Leadership Characteristics to Succeed as a Digital Transformation Leader

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I just discovered I’m a neophiliac! 😀 Are you?

According to Gartner for IT, neophiliacs are naturally curious and attracted to new things. They seek to explore and find new ways to create value. Gartner says it’s the #1 Characteristic of CIOs who want to be Successful Digital Transformation Leaders.

I would venture to say it’s a characteristic needed by leaders across all sectors. Remote work/school, virtual meetings, cybersecurity, blockchain (NFTs, Meta, Bitcoin), IoT, AI, and even Exascale are touching us all.

It’s altering everything from manufacturing, finance, and healthcare, to legal, government, and education.

As a digital marketer for IT companies, it’s essential for me to continually adapt to the changing digital platforms, algorithms, functionality, data, and the B2B digital buying process.

We’re all leading through digital transformation, so lean into and develop your neophilia! And, take a minute to check out the other four characteristics that will help you effectively lead in this digital transformation era!

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